“Once again Saltmarch has knocked it out of the park with interesting speakers, engaging content and challenging ideas. No jetlag fog at all, which counts for how interesting the whole thing was."
Cybersecurity Lead, PwC
Karate started out as an open-source tool for testing web-services - and has evolved to become the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks and performance-testing into a single, unified framework.
Just over 2 years old, Karate's success is evident in how regularly it turns up in blog-posts, social-media mentions, job-listings and even in tech-conferences world-wide. And in 2019, it debuted in the reputed ThoughtWorks Tech Radar - which has led to even more adoption.
The performance-testing capability is relatively recent and not many people know that it can integrate seamlessly into even non-HTTP flows because of how easy it is to hook into Java code from Karate. If you are part of a platform team that needs to do performance-testing of any kind, not just web-services, but things such as gRPC or big-data ingestion then this session is for you.
The Karate project has recently achieved an audacious goal - which is to expand into user-interface testing, and compete with the usual suspects in the wide-world of test-automation tools - both open-source and commercial. You will get a sense of Karate's capabilities and how it compares with the competition in this session.
“Once again Saltmarch has knocked it out of the park with interesting speakers, engaging content and challenging ideas. No jetlag fog at all, which counts for how interesting the whole thing was."
Cybersecurity Lead, PwC
“Very much looking forward to next year. I will be keeping my eye out for the date so I can make sure I lock it in my calendar."
Software Engineering Specialist, Intuit
“Best conference I have ever been to with lots of insights and information on next generation technologies and those that are the need of the hour."
Software Architect, GroupOn
“Happy to meet everyone who came from near and far. Glad to know you've discovered some great lessons here, and glad you joined us for all the discoveries great and small."
Web Architect & Principal Engineer, Scott Davis
“Wonderful set of conferences, well organized, fantastic speakers, and an amazingly interactive set of audience. Thanks for having me at the events!"
Founder of Agile Developer Inc., Dr. Venkat Subramaniam
“What a buzz! The events have been instrumental in bringing the whole software community together. There has been something for everyone from developers to architects to business to vendors. Thanks everyone!"
Voltaire Yap, Global Events Manager, Oracle Corp.